Resourced Coaching

  • Products & Packages

  • Packages & Subscriptions

    • 14k Glow Up: A Soul Dive (1 Month)


      A one-month coaching package: four 75-minute sessions ($250/session). If you're struggling with a project or personal obstacle, I offer breakthrough packages that give you extra time to peel back layers, problem-solve, and steer your work and life in a direction that aligns with your vision, instincts, and goals. Session Workflow: - Discovery conversation—what’s coming forward for you? - Guided meditation, visualizations, brainstorming. - Determine actionable steps, build a roadmap, and closing meditation. You can also use the session time to share writing work, business plans, creative projects, etc., and elicit feedback. Sessions do not need to be scheduled back to back, but the package should be used within one year of purchase.

    • 18k Radiance: A Soul Journey (3 Months)

      $800.00 per month for 3 months ($2,400.00 total)

      A three-month coaching package: one 75-minute session per week for three months ($200/session). Commit to a personal or project transformation: create accountability, meditate, and reflect on your life and work. Session time can be used for brainstorming, planning, visualization, imaginative play, and energy work. Session Workflow: - Discovery conversation—what’s coming forward for you? - Guided meditation, visualizations, brainstorming. - Determine actionable steps, build a roadmap, and closing meditation. You can also use the session time to share writing work, business plans, or creative projects and elicit feedback. Sessions do not need to be scheduled back to back, but the package should be used within one year of purchase.

    • 24k Brilliance: A Soul Expedition (6 Months)

      $600.00 per month for 6 months ($3,600.00 total)

      A six-month coaching package: one 75-minute session per week for six months ($150/session). This course is designed and tailored to help you execute a long-term creative project or deeply-held personal evolution. Session Workflow: - Discovery conversation—what’s coming forward for you? - Guided meditation, visualizations, brainstorming. - Determine actionable steps, build a roadmap, and closing meditation. You can also use the session time to share writing work, business plans, creative projects, etc., and elicit feedback. Sessions do not need to be scheduled back to back, but the package should be used within one year of purchase.

    • DEI Rate - 14k Glow Up: A Soul Dive: (1 Month)


      A one-month coaching package: four 75-minute sessions ($212/session). If you're struggling with a project or personal obstacle, I offer breakthrough packages that give you extra time to peel back layers, problem-solve, and steer your work and life in a direction that aligns with your vision, instincts, and goals. Session Workflow: - Discovery conversation—what’s coming forward for you? - Guided meditation, visualizations, brainstorming. - Determine actionable steps, build a roadmap, and closing meditation. You can also use the session time to share writing work, business plans, creative projects, etc., and elicit feedback. Sessions do not need to be scheduled back to back, but the package should be used within one year of purchase.

    • DEI Rate - 18k Radiance: A Soul Journey (3 Months)

      $730.00 per month for 3 months ($2,190.00 total)

      A three-month coaching package: one 75-minute session per week for three months ($182/session), plus coaching support via text. Commit to a personal or project transformation: create accountability, meditate, and reflect on your life and work. Session time can be used for brainstorming, planning, visualization, imaginative play, and energy work. Sessions do not need to be scheduled back to back, but the package should be used within one year of purchase. Session Workflow: - Discovery conversation—what’s coming forward for you? - Guided meditation, visualizations, brainstorming. - Determine actionable steps, build a roadmap, and closing meditation.

    • DEI Rate - 24k Brilliance: A Soul Expedition (6 Months)

      $540.00 per month for 6 months ($3,240.00 total)

      A six-month coaching package: one 75-minute session per week for six months ($135/session). This course is designed and tailored to help you execute a long-term creative project or deeply-held personal evolution. Session Workflow: - Discovery conversation—what’s coming forward for you? - Guided meditation, visualizations, brainstorming. - Determine actionable steps, build a roadmap, and closing meditation. You can also use the session time to share writing work, business plans, creative projects, etc., and elicit feedback. Sessions do not need to be scheduled back to back, but the package should be used within one year of purchase.